Evolving Policy Package for Scaling up Energy Efficiency in Textile Industry
This issue features the study by TERI of the textile industry under an International Energy Agency (IEA) project, with recommendations for a policy package to promote energy efficiency. Also presented are highlights of a national stakeholder consultation workshop held under the project.
Energy and Resource Mapping Study in Ambala Laboratory Glassware Cluster
This issue features the study by TERI of Ambala glassware cluster under the BEE energy mapping project. Also presented are the findings of detailed energy audits conducted on Ambala glassware units with recommended energy conservation measures (ECMs).
Implementation of Energy Conservation Guidelines: 19th SAMEEEKSHA meeting
This issue presents strategies and actions to implement the Energy Conservation (EC) Guidelines for MSMEs prepared by BEE; and highlights of the study by TERI of Thane chemical industry cluster under the BEE energy mapping project.
This issue has as its theme, a program launched by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) titled ‘Energy and resource mapping of MSME clusters’, under which TERI has been entrusted with carrying out the energy and resource mapping exercise in two energy intensive sub-sectors: (1) glass & refractory, and (2) chemicals. It also summarizes the inception meeting organized by TERI together with Federation of Safety Glass (FOSG).
Electrification of industrial processes for achieving low carbon growth
This issue focuses on the urgent need for decarbonizing the industry sector, describes the significant progress being made in ‘greening’ grid electricity in India, and summarizes studies conducted by TERI in five energy intensive MSME clusters under a project supported by SSEF, to assess the feasibility of replacing fossil-fuel-based technologies with electrical and RE-based options. It also summarizes the points made during an awareness workshop on electrification of industrial processes, organized by SSEF and TERI.
This issue underlines that there is an opportunity for Indian MSMEs to adopt low-cost/no-cost measures that can slash production costs and increase their profitability, even in the midst of the crisis precipitated by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. It highlights best operating practices (BOPs) as the solution, and presents a number of case studies on BOP to showcase the huge monetary benefits that BOPs bring at little or no investment.
This issue has as its theme a pioneering energy conservation (EC) manual that has been prepared by TERI at the behest of BEE for the Indian MSME sector, titled ‘Energy Conservation Guidelines for MSME Sector’. The manual provides MSME entrepreneurs with knowledge and guidelines that they can use to adopt EC measures including best operating practices (BOP) in various process areas, and thereby reduce energy consumption and energy costs.
National Conclave on Enhancing Energy Efficiency in MSME sector
This issue presents the highlights of the ‘National Conclave on Enhancing Energy Efficiency in MSME Sector’ organized by BEE in New Delhi during 23–24 September 2019. A number of knowledge resources and initiatives for promoting EE among MSMEs were launched during the Conclave, including a manual prepared by BEE on ‘Energy Conservation Guidelines for MSME Sector’; and a knowledge portal titled Simplified Digital Hands-on Information on Energy Efficiency in MSMEs (SIDHIEE) developed by BEE.
This issue focuses on the huge potential for MSMEs to reduce their energy consumption and save energy costs by switching over from their existing fossil fuel-based technologies to electricity-based options. It outlines the SSEF–TERI project under which feasibility studies were undertaken to identify possible electrification options in select energy intensive MSME sub-sectors/clusters across the country. It also summarizes salient points from a Consultation Workshop held in July 2019 to share the project experiences.
This issue focuses on Demand Side Management (DSM), and presents the highlights of DSM studies undertaken by TERI in 11 DISCOMs with specific focus on the energy saving opportunities identified for MSME consumers. It also summarizes the DSM Action Plan prepared by TERI for JUSCO S-K, a distribution utility in Jharkhand; and the DSM study undertaken by TERI in MESCOM, a distribution utility in Karnataka, with support from MacArthur Foundation.
Boosting MSME business in Jharkhand by promoting energy efficiency and green energy generation: a UNDP–GEF project
This issue outlines the GEF-funded project titled ‘Market Transformation and Removal of Barriers for Effective Implementation of the State-Level Climate Change Action Plans’ implemented by UNDP in Jharkhand in partnership with Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change. It also summarizes the results of energy audits on cold storage units, and a case study on a solar-powered micro cold storage unit set up in partnership with JREDA and a local farmer producer company, AVFPC.
Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in selected MSME clusters: a GEF–UNIDO–BEE project
This issue has, as its focus, the GEF-funded national project being executed by UNIDO in collaboration with BEE titled ‘Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in selected micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) clusters in India’ and covering five industrial sub-sectors: brass, ceramics, dairy, foundry, and hand tools. It also presents a few case studies from the Thangadh ceramic cluster on implementation of EETs/RETs.
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Secretary - SAMEEEKSHA, Industrial Energy Efficiency Division,
TERI, Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India
Tel: +91 11 2468 2100, 2468 2111 | Email: sameeeksha@teri.res.in