Case Studies


Pump manufacturers in Rajkot are motivated by BEE Star Labelling Scheme, shift toward manufacturing energy efficient pump sets

Location :

Partners : SIDBI, TERI, Rajkot Engineering Association

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Rajkot foundry adopts energy efficient lighting system, saves over 83,000 rupees annually

Location : Rajkot

Partners : SDC, TERI, Rajkot Engineering Association (REA)

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Reduced specific energy consumption by installing correct size/capacity motors in a forging unit

Location : Jalandhar


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Relining of forging furnace to reduce surface heat losses

Location : Pune

Partners : GEF, World Bank, SIDBI, BEE, TERI, Association of Indian Forging Industry (AIFI)

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Relining of furnace, with improved operating practices, brings substantial energy savings in foundry

Location : Rajkot

Partners : SDC, TERI, Rajkot Engineering Association (REA)

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Replacement of existing kiln car with low thermal mass kiln car with Silicon Carbide furniture in a ceramic unit

Location : Khurja

Partners : Self-effort of the unit

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Replacement of inefficient coke-fired cupola by energy efficient induction furnace in cast iron castings production

Location : Kolhapur

Partners : GEF, World Bank, SIDBI, BEE, TERI, IIF-Kolhapur chapter, Kolhapur Engineering Association

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Replacement of inefficient FO-fired furnace with energy efficient FO-fired furnace with auto control system

Location : Pune

Partners : GEF, World Bank, SIDBI, BEE, TERI, Association of Indian Forging Industry (AIFI)

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Replacement of manual jigger with double roller head automatic jigger in a ceramic unit

Location : Khurja

Partners : Self-effort of the unit

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Replacing conventional ceiling fans with BLDC ceiling fans offers 40% energy savings for cold storage unit

Location : Hooghly, West Bengal

Partners : TERI, West Bengal Cold Storage Association (WBCSA)

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