Gokak jaggery cluster (Karnataka)

Gokak, located close to Belgaum in the state of Karnataka, has one of India’s largest clusters of jaggery making units. Jaggery is a natural, traditional sweetener made by concentrating sugarcane juice. The region around Gokak has plenty of water and sufficient seasonal rainfall to enable extensive sugarcane cultivation. There are about 120 jaggery making units in the Gokak cluster, most of them MSMEs. The cluster produces two types of jaggery: jaggery with sugar and jaggery without sugar. Bagasse, produced from the crushed sugarcane, is used in the units as the primary thermal energy source for heating the sugarcane juice.
Products manufactured
Number of MSME
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Bagasse; electricity
Annual Production
44,700 tpa; 1.5 billion rupees (150 crores)
Total energy consumption (toe)
Cluster Profile
Other resources
- MSME Development Institute (MSME DI), Hubli - https://dcmsme.gov.in/All_MSME_DIs_TCs.aspx
SourceData pertains to 2017–18, collected primarily under the TERI–SSEFproject