Dhanbad Coke Oven Industries (Jharkhand)

Dhanbad is famous as the 'Coal Capital' of India. Apart from coal, Dhanbad district is rich in mineral resources such as limestone, fireclay, china clay, granite, stone and sand. There are more than 3000 registered small scale industries and around 14 large industries in Dhanbad district. Among them is a century-old cluster of about 100 coke oven units. These units use non-recovery, horizontal type ovens for cooking blended coal batches to produce various grades of coke, which are used by metal casting industries across the country. The primary users of coke include large steel manufacturing industries within a 200-kilometre radius such as TISCO (Digwadih), TELCO (Jamshedpur), IISCO (Jamadoba), Bokaro Steel, SAIL (Durgapur), and Alloy Steel Plant (Durgapur). A small quantity of coke from the cluster is also exported to neighbouring countries.
Products manufactured
hard coke, soft coke, metallurgy coke, etc
Number of MSMEs
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Coal, electricity, diesel
Production & turnover
945,000 tpa
Total energy consumption (toe)
Leading industry association(s)
- Industries and Commerce Association, Dhanbad
Cluster manual
Other resources
MSME Development Institute (MSME-DI), Dhanbad
Source: Data pertains to 2016–17, collected primarily under the TERI–SDC EESE project