Rajkot Forging Industries (Gujarat)

The industrial city of Rajkot, located in the state of Gujarat, hosts a prominent cluster of about 140 MSME forging units located in industrial estates around the city. The Rajkot forging units cluster are principally known for their ability to make superior precision components that cater to a range of secondary production industries including automobiles, compressors, earth moving machinery, electrical equipment, light and heavy machine tools, material handling equipment, stationary diesel engines and others. The main clientele are large Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) such as Tata Motors, Mahindra & Mahindra, L&T, Force Motors, Bajaj Auto, General Motors, Godrej and Ashok Leyland. The forging units fall under two broad categories, based on the type of forgings they produce: (1) closed die forgings (90 units), which account for 62% of total production and (2) ring rolling forgings (50 units), which account for the remaining 38%. The unit-level production varies widely, from 300 tonnes to 36,000 tonnes per year. The total annual production of forgings is about 434,200 tonnes. The total turnover is estimated at over 0.4 billion rupees (4000 crores). The cluster provides employment to about 15000 people directly or indirectly.
Products manufactured
Closed die forgings, ring rolling forgings
Number of MSMEs
Energy consumption
Main fuels
Furnace oil (FO); electricity; natural gas (NG); light diesel oil (LDO); briquettes
Production & turnover
Rs 4000 crores (40 billion)
Total energy consumption (toe)
Leading industry association(s)
- Rajkot Engineering Association (REA) http://www.reaindia.com/
- GIDC (Lodhika) Industrial Association (GLIA) http://gidclodhika.com/
- AJI (GIDC) Industries Association » Shapar-Veraval Industrial Association http://www.sviarajkot.com/viewallcategory.php
- Shapar-Veraval Industry Association https://www.sviarajkot.com/
Cluster profile
Other Resources:
- Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI), Rajkot http://cmti-india.net/
- National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Rajkot http://www.nsic.co.in/
- District Industries Centre (DIC) http://ic.gujarat.gov.in/dic-office.aspx
- MSME Development Institute (MSME-DI), Rajkot Indian Institute of Foundrymen (IIF), Rajkot chapter https://msmediahmedabad.gov.in/
- Institute of Indian Foundrymen
Source: Data pertains to 2015–16, collected primarily under SDC–TERI EESEproject