Khurja potteries cluster (Uttar Pradesh)


Khurja has one of the oldest pottery clusters in the country. A majority of the pottery units are located around Khurja town, about 100 kilometers from Delhi. There are about 400 small-scale units in the cluster engaged in production of various types of ceramic products. Tunnel kilns and shuttle kilns are used to fire the ceramic products.

Products manufactured

Ceramic products like crockery, insulators and other electrical items, laboratory ware, bone china ware, sanitary and decorative items.

Number of MSMEs


Energy consumption


Main fuels

Light diesel oil (LDO); rubber process oil (RPO); piped natural gas (PNG); electricity

Production & turnover


Total energy consumption (toe)


Leading industry association(s)

  • Khurja Pottery Manufacturers Association (KPMA)
  • Khurja Pottery Raw Materials Association (KPRMA)
  • Khurja Kutir Udyog Associations (KKUA)

Cluster Profile

Other Resources

Data pertains to 2015-16, collected primarily under the TERI-SDC EESE project

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