Kolhapur foundry cluster (Maharashtra)
One of India's biggest foundry clusters is located in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. There are around 300 small, medium and large-scale foundries in the cluster, primarily producing ferrous (iron) castings for the automotive sector. Almost 30% of the cluster production is exported.
Products manufactured
Ferrous (iron) castings, comprising spheroidal graphite (SG) iron as w ell as grey-iron castings for the . automotive sector
Number of MSMEs
Main fuels
Coke; Electricity
Production & turnover
600,000 tonnes
Total energy consumption (toe)
Leading industry association(s)
- Kolhapur Engineering Association (KEA)https://www.keaindia.org/
- Institute of Indian Foundrymen (IIF)—Kolhapur Chapter— http://www.indianfoundry.org/
- Kolhapur Chamber of Commerce and Industries http://www.kolhapurchamber.com/kcci/history.html
- Gokul Shirgaon Manufacturers Association (GOSHIMA)http://goshima.in/
- Shiroli Manufacturers Association of Kolhapur (SMAK)— https://smakkolhapur.org/
Cluster profile
Other resources
Data for 2011-12, collected by TERI under the World Bank-GEF-SIDBI project 'Financing Energy Effi ciency at MSMEs'