Bhubaneshwar Seafood Processing Industries (Odisha)


Bhubaneswar is one of the important seafood processing hubs in the country, with about 16 active seafood processing facilities. The cluster is renowned for exporting shrimps to several countries in five continents including Japan, USA, the EU, and Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. The annual average cluster-level production is about 110 tonnes per day. Shrimps account for over 90% of cluster production. The capacity utilization of these units is seasonal, varying according to fish capture and culture. January to early April is the ‘off-season’ period, and is marked by a production level as low as 25% of annual average production. May to December is known as the ‘season’, with peak period occurring during July to September (about 160% of annual average production).

Products manufactured

Processed shrimp and other seafood in ready to cook (RTC) forms

Number of MSMEs


Energy consumption


Main fuels

Electricity; diesel

Production & turnover

33,600 tpa; Rs 2070 crores (20.7 billion)

Total energy consumption (toe)


Leading industry association(s)

Cluster manual

Other resources

Source: Data pertains to 2015-16, collected primarily under the TERI-SDC EESE project

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