Kolhapur foundry cluster (Maharashtra)


One of India's biggest foundry clusters is located in Kolhapur, Maharashtra. There are around 300 small, medium and large-scale foundries in the cluster, primarily producing ferrous (iron) castings for the automotive sector. Almost 30% of the cluster production is exported.

Products manufactured

Ferrous (iron) castings, comprising spheroidal graphite (SG) iron as w ell as grey-iron castings for the . automotive sector

Number of MSMEs


Main fuels

Coke; Electricity

Production & turnover

600,000 tonnes

Total energy consumption (toe)


Leading industry association(s)

Cluster profile


Other resources



Data for 2011-12, collected by TERI under the World Bank-GEF-SIDBI project 'Financing Energy Effi ciency at MSMEs'

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Secretary - SAMEEEKSHA, Industrial Energy Efficiency Division,
TERI, Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India
Tel: +91 11 2468 2100, 2468 2111 | Email: sameeeksha@teri.res.in